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Where is my order shipped from?

All the orders will be shipped from the United States.

Which carrier will my order be shipped through and when will it be shipped? Can I track the parcel?

The parcel will be shipped within 72h after you place the order, and the tracking number will be available after the shipment.

Do the purchased products have free shipping?

You don't need to pay any shipping fee.

Can I cancel or change any order information after placing an order?

 Don't hesitate to get in touch with the customer service team to cancel the order or change the information at any time before shipping. After shipping, you cannot change the order information or cancel the order, but you can choose to reject the package.

After placing an order, can I return or exchange the products after I receive them? 

We provide free returns and exchanges within 30 days. 

 If I have an order from Amazon, can I return it at Ricomax Official Store?

 Yes. Just provide us with your Amazon purchase order.

I am a tax-exempt organization or distributor. How can I purchase without paying sales tax?

We are currently unable to process tax-exempt orders online. When you decide to place an order on our website, it means that you accept and are willing to pay sales tax.


Phone: +1(833)458-0770

9:00-18:00 (Monday-Friday) EST

Customer service: sales@rmricomaxdetectors.com
Wholesale and Distributors : wholesale@rmricomaxdetectors.com
After service Email : rmricomax@afterservice.vip
Marketing cooperation contact Email: marketing@rmricomaxdetectors.com